Seremban Heritage Trail

Graffiti and E map of Seremban CBD area

Look at the great E-map provided by the Seremban City Council.

They developed a heritage trail map named ‘Jejak Warisan Seremban’ (Seremban Heritage Trail).

The map shows visitors some of Seremban’s attractions, including unique historical and cultural buildings in the CBD.

The map also shows other areas of interest like the orchid gardens and the oldest rubber tree in the state.

It guides you to Jalan Dato Abd Rahman, Jalan Tunku Hassan, Jalan Yam Tuan, to Jalan Dato’ Sheikh Ahmad. Here you can take selfies in front of the graffitied walls, similar to those made famous in Penang.

There are more than 40 street art murals done by local artists from the state and across the country. The graffiti includes messages of heritage, culture, prominent figures of Negeri Sembilan, and ethnic groups, flora and fauna.

People pose and take selfies with the street art but they may not realise some artworks are painted in 3D. You’ll love the effects when you post to FB and Instagram – the graffiti is awesome and as good as Penang’s.

Like Penang it’s fun walking along the small laneways of Seremban CBD.

Discover these neat paintings mostly found along the Sungai Ujong and Benteng walks.

Just some of the wonderful graffiti you can find along the streets and alleys of Seremban CBD from The Benteng Walk to the Terminal 1 towards the rail station.

The map highlights mosques, churches, temples and old English buildings built in the late 1880’s onwards. It shows a museum and a gallery about the life of the Sultanate in N9, explaining the Minangkabau heritage.

There are paddle boats on the Lake Gardens area that is popular with families.

Check out the E-map link below for guidance to some of the featured buildings and areas in the Seremban CBD.

Interactive E-map: ‘Jejak Warisan Seremban’ (Seremban Heritage Trail)



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